Thank you so much for reading this blog that has included the first eleven chapters of My Dog, Me. The original manuscript was completed in 1998 but I didn’t have the confidence to seek publication at that time. I was a single mom with more important matters to address – like a mortgage payment and putting food on the table for Allison and Tyler. If you respond to this post with a comment, I will make sure that you know the “rest of the story.” I am working with CreateSpace, the publishing arm of Amazon to have it available soon to download or as a hard copy which will include illustrations by Heather Lowrie, an up and coming graphic artist.
It is my sincere wish that you share this story with that special child in your life, even if it is that inner child who still wonders if wishes come true.
Yes, Virginia (or insert your name here), you can make your wishes happen. Maybe not today, but if you keep working, you can achieve your fondest dreams.
My best to you,
PS - On to the final edit (I hope) of Bitter Sugar, my adult novel circa 1850 Louisiana sugar plantation which holds the secrets of abuse, damage, redemption, and healing.