cocktails and appetizers at an adjacent patio. Beautiful!
This, my friends, is a garconniere. French plantations often had one at each end of the property as a guest house for male guests – to keep them away from the ladies of the house after dark. The first time I saw one, I howled out loud, much to the chagrin of the other people on the plantation tour. I couldn’t believe that no one else acknowledged how much this particular structure looked phallic. Or, maybe I was just the one with no class… or an impish sense of humor. At any rate, the garconniere is an important setting in Bitter Sugar. Perhaps Claudia, the eldest Rochelle daughter in Bitter Sugar, was on to something when she said, “Fifty yards never kept a cur from a bitch in heat.” This particular garconniere is now a bar that serves
cocktails and appetizers at an adjacent patio. Beautiful!
February 2024
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