I want to introduce you to the Pajama Reading Program, a national initiative that provides children in need with the opportunity to spend an hour reading a book with a caring adult at the program center. After reading and a snack, each child is given a new pair of pajamas and a book of his choice to take home from the program's bookshelf. AND, transportation is provided to and from the center! Isn't that lovely?
Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Duona Hunter, Reading Center Program Manager for Atlanta. She was delighted to receive my donation of 50 copies of My Dog, Me, and it was my pleasure to bring them to the center. These books will be distributed to other centers in Georgia so that young readers may enjoy the adventures of Tyler and Dundee as they experience life in the body of another species.
For more information about how you can help, please contact the Pajama Reading Program.
“It takes a village to raise a child.”
I love you all ~ RP