My story, “An American in Paris, Tales from a Brothel and Other Adventures,” was selected from entries by authors around the world. In the story, a 23-year-old woman (moi) travels to Europe alone with a roundtrip plane ticket and a 30-day Eurail pass. Set in 1972, there are no cell phones, Euros, ATM’s, GPS, or internet. I was a gutsy, though inexperienced traveler. The story includes harrowing and hilarious true accounts of my month-long travels ‘cross the pond. Some adventures include being harassed by two young Russian men on a Russian aircraft; arriving at a friend’s Paris apartment unaware the friend has moved; and freaking out after seeing my exact likeness in a Botticelli painting at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
The anthology is available through Amazon, or contact me for an autographed copy.