It's Dundee Monday time! I hope you enjoy, and again, please share! ~ R
Chapter 4 More Lies
After recess, Mrs. Duncan suggested the students line up at the water fountain. Alfred got to the head of the line and waved his hand for Dundee to get behind him. Alfred pressed the button and slurped water that tumbled like a small waterfall. When no one was looking, he cupped his hand under the water, then turned and threw it at Dundee. “Here,” Alfred said to Dundee whose hair was dripping, “don’t bother to drink it. You already got some.” He laughed and scampered off to the classroom.
“I could just bite that kid,” Dundee muttered under his breath. “Actually a cool drink sounds like a really good idea.” Dundee stepped on the box in front of the fountain but couldn’t figure how to turn the water on. “Hurry up, Tyler,” echoed several students who were in line. Dundee looked at the silver faucet and the drain in the wet bowl. Since water was always provided for him in a bowl, he had no idea what to do. He stared and tried to figure it out. He wiggled the faucet and shook the water fountain, looking longingly at the remaining droplets left by Alfred. “Come on, Tyler,” said Kevin. “What’s the problem?”
In frustration, Dundee pounded his right hand. It landed on the silver button and out came a long, high spray of water. Of course, he had no idea how to drink from a fountain since he had only seen Tyler drinking from a cup at home. He pounded the button again but the water appeared for only a few seconds. After several tries, he bent his head over and slurped the water as it swirled into the drain and disappeared. When he straightened up, his face and hair were all wet. He shook his head from side to side, slinging water droplets all over the wall and the floor. Some of the girls were giggling. The boys looked confused. Everyone headed back to class. Hmmmph, and after I licked the bowl clean too. No one suspects I’m a dog. I can even work the water fountain. He smiled. I really am a smart dog.
When he got back to class, the other students had their reading books out, and Mrs. Duncan was grading papers. Dundee took out a picture book and looked at the drawings. He had never seen the creatures pictured, only other dogs and one cat who roamed the neighborhood. In the backyard there were a few birds and some squirrels. One animal in the book had spots with skinny legs and a really long neck. Another was big and fat with a little tail; it had a nose that curled under his body. He wondered where these animals sleep and the kind of houses they live in and what they liked to eat.
He was distracted by the most wonderful aroma. Food! He sniffed once, twice, then knew. Hamburgers and French fries. Yippee! He didn’t hear one word that Mrs. Duncan said all through the Social Studies lesson. He just sat with his tongue hanging out of his mouth with a big grin on his face. Jessica noticed. She thought he looked charming.
As Mrs. Duncan announced, “Lunchtime,” Dundee ran to the front of the line, but then he felt a panic as his eyes darted from side to side. Gosh, I’ve never been at lunch in school. I don’t know what to do. Tyler always breaks off a bite for me. Dundee slinked back through the line just behind Kevin. I’ll just do what he does. Boy that food sure smells great. Yum - food, food, food!
Dundee slid his hands under the tray, just like Kevin. The nice lunch ladies gave each student a hamburger, some French fries, butterscotch pudding, an apple, and a carton of milk. He was so excited his hands were shaking. The tray landed on the table with a bang, and Dundee sat down and leaned over his food. He stopped. The other students picked up the food using a little finger set away from the other fingers. He never noticed this finger before. He moved it and then bent it. Wow, nice paws, these humans have. But before he could figure how to hold the hamburger or pick up a French fry, he couldn’t help himself. He dived into his tray head first. He ate the hamburger in three bites and wolfed down the fries. When he came up for air, the other kids at the lunch table were staring at him. He wasn’t using his hands. “You must be really starving today, Tyler,” said Kevin laughing. “Are you learning manners from Dundee?” The other kids laughed in agreement and continued eating. Dundee didn’t care, and he was the only one to lick the tray clean. Lucky that Mrs. Duncan sat at the teachers’ table and didn’t notice.
After lunch the class was ready for a short rest. Dundee was so glad. Being a human was really tiring, even for a smart dog. The students went to their favorite reading spots. Some stayed in their seats while others opted for a pillow on the floor. Dundee sniffed out his nap blanket and turned around three times before finally settling in a cozy spot near the window. The sunlight was warm and it wasn’t long before he lay on his side and started to snore. In his sleep he made gestures with all fours like a dog running, but no one noticed.
Jessica pretended to sleep but daydreamed about how she would steal a kiss from Tyler today. “He is so cute,” she whispered as she watched him nap. Kevin lay on his back with his hands behind his head and counted the tiles on the ceiling. He thought about the cheers when he hits a grand slam homer. Dundee dreamed about catching that silly squirrel and bringing it to surprise Mrs. Duncan.
Even Mrs. Duncan dozed for a minute at silent reading time.