For those who inquired about the ending, you will receive a complimentary copy of My Dog, Me when it is formally published. Your interest means more than you know.
I am revising the manuscript after working with an editor. It’s a lot more difficult to put the consciousness of one species into another than I originally thought. Yes, it’s a children’s story, but as a writer it is imperative that it be logical within the boundaries of experience. A human consciousness within a dog’s body carries its own experiences, but within the limits of a canine brain. And vice versa. Okay never mind… I hardly get it myself. But it’s back to the drawing board, or laptop in this case. Whoever said “A great writer is also a masochist” was right!
Until then, here are some images that will be embedded within the text. Heather Lowrie, a local high school senior, is the illustrator. She’s exceptionally talented, don’t you think? Heather also designed a watercolor cover for the book which is best described in one word, WOW!
I will provide updates on the dates of publication. Thank you so, so much. I love hearing from you.